Friday, September 08, 2006

The Girl

She is the most complete picture in my class. I have set hyr every (clothed) element to memory, including her hair, on the back of her neck, bordered by red beret and red hoodie. She has "a large apartment", as well as space to create hyr woks of art; mostly industrial/product design, and now carpentry. She has dreams to build green, and she dwells on them. She has onn'a them there impish smiles I've only seen on Theresa - it'll suck out your heart, and you won't even notice, but then it belongs to hyr. Once again, the conversation seems slow ... it either doesn't work, or one (or both) of us is just not open yet. She has now opened up contact, and I want to push it farther. I don't really know what I'm doing, and I'll be the first to admit it. And I'm nervous. I have had unconventional relationships before, but it always makes me nervous to feel a person out - always wondering whether they like me, and what they will expect me to do. For now, I just wait. 3 months left. Not quite half over yet. Still time to go out for dinner, teach hyr to skate (then giver a hockey stick!) and ... well, maybe spend some time doing other things too. Wow. Here's praying.


Oral Sex.
*Note: I have buried this deep in my blog. The date is totally incorrect. But I had to post this somehow.
A kid talked about this in class today. Trying to get this kid who is as white and naive as all get out to talk about anything less than the purest vanilla. It's almost disgusting how sheltered this kid is. To think I was once that way. Some people though, are so pure and goody-goody that they will never get out of that phase though. Probably like him.
Even though I wasn't asked the question, I'm gonna answer it anyway, as if I was the one asked it. "What do you think of oral sex?" It depends on the taste. And gender. And who does who. And what happens before and afterwards. As long as your partner is very clean (I'm talking about good hygiene here), free of disease, and you practice safe (oral) sex, it's all good!

Taste: if your partner's taste is not to your liking, use a lube or flavored condom ... lube is good for the grrls and the guys. Usually heavy meat eaters are much more salty tasting, and vegans ... well, they just taste better!

Gender: having been with males and (a) femyle, there are different complications and situations that arise. I prefer womyn; to celebrate one is much better and more rewarding, to me at least.

Who does who: Never been in a 69; it's always been consecutive, but for that specifically, I prefer giving to receiving. Maybe I just haven't yet met a talented enough tongue!

B4 & After: If everything is mutual, great! If only one person gets to cum, not good, unless, of course, that is okay with the person not cumming. I prefer oral as one element of a routine!

Free of Disease: the reason is a given, but how do you find out? Ask to see a doctor's record? Just "trust" them? I don't know.

Safe Sex: on guys, that would be a condom, on grrls, latex gloves and potentially sran wrap over the area in question is usually good, as far as I know.

Last of all, what do I think about it? Well, given that it has to be in a relationship, (I need onna them things first, I don't do one-nighters) bring it on! I'd love more!