Thursday, September 08, 2005


I thought Massive Change was cool. Until I started talking to my Dad about it afterwards. We discussed our opinions on such public displays and their idealist mis-information on the future, and how no-one's opinion seemed to actually have been changed towards technology based on the "clear-box" votes on such issues as genetic engineering afterwards.

Now I am leery of the McLuhan Festival. Will it actually affect change, or impart realistic information? I don't know. Are there any days that will really be worthwhile attending? I don't know. Personally, I am a tad disappointed about all this trend and hype to do with "all things design" at the moment.

I might be interested in "Home Day" and "School Day". But where is Religion Day? Senior's Day? (Dis)Abilities Day? The event has been created to look at technology and culture. McLuhan was all about the relationship between media and society.

But I'm more sure that relationship is what it's supposed to be. The media, technology, (pop) culture, and society are sorely lacking today in the in-depth connections and relations that things such as spirituality, a lack of greed, and a genuine desire to help humans across the board - not just the trendy humans - promotes. If I go, I beleive it will be with a skeptic's ear. I am waiting to hear what I want to hear; a certain willingness to reach out and help other humans, not just what others may want to hear; "look at what we can do to design the world with our cool new gadgets! Aren't we so cool! We will save the world with our stuff!"

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