Friday, February 16, 2007

Habitat for Humanity, 4200 Kingston Rd.

February 16th
Today I was busy putting up SIPs (Structurally insulated panels) on the concrete foundations, or so I say here. Frankly, I have no memory of any such event. But while I’m at it, I DO remember Bruce (block super) showing me how to, I think he called it “cut in” when painting (way back when at McLevin Woods) which is when you create an angle with your paintbrush so that you are very carefully touching the joint between the ceiling and the wall, but not actually getting paint onto the ceiling. If done properly, this line that you draw along that connection will allow you to create a beautiful seam, and require no taping off, whatsoever. Too bad I didn’t do that when I was working with the paint rollers another day, when Roger (crew leader), being the incredibly encouraging person that he is, felt the need to badger me about that ALL day!

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