Sunday, October 07, 2007


Causes? There is a cause for being a tomboy? Is there a cure? Should we run for it? How much do you think we could raise? I just read this article from Wikipedia, something I came across after wandering through rainbow searches and villages across North America, and in search of ways to better understand who I am and how I fit into the world, I cam across a term I have often taken pride in referring to myself as; a tomboy. I was involved in hockey, karate, and baseball as a girl, and attended my first Womyn's day March when I was 8 years old, with my mother.

Then I came across this definition in wikipedia:
There is little study of the causality of the phenomenon, since it has been considered, first and foremost, to be a phase one might go through in early years of life. One theory of a possible cause is that a girl who spends her childhood and/or adolescence in an environment where the male presence predominates, she simply lacks any feminine role models. However, this hypothesis has been challenged by one report from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children which suggests that the state is heavily influenced by genetic and prenatal factors.

My mother's side of the family is full of strong female figures, even the ones with attitude problems are still (99% of them at least) strong women.

The poor girls, they simply lack any feminine role models because "the male presence predominates" and they don't learn to how be feminine. But with the proper teaching, any of them can be trained in becoming a proper woman. Being a tomboy to me, even if the girl scores higher on the "feminine scales" is too much a part of my existence to ever ignore.

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