Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tomboys should be banned ... WTF? Another Stupid element of Islam ...

Another comment I thought to post on my own blog ... with of course the reference to the original article that was written. This article condemns girls who "act like boys" as violators of the tenets of Islam, and fit to be banned from the religion. As the article points out later, they didn't offer guidelines on what behaviour is masculine. Why not? why not offer those guidelines. Offer guidelines too, on what is feminine. Prosecute both genders for ever stepping to either side of the line. It's ridiculous! It's ludicrous! More than that, it is dangerous, and life threatening to some innocent girl who is just having fun playing with her friends. It perpetuates the veil of fear that Islam sheathes their women in, and confines them to. This edict could take girls who are very "Tomboy" in nature, and thoroughly destroy them, psychologically and spiritually break them, and when you do that, or course they will think it's okay and good to where the veil, because you have taken away the higher functions of their humanity; ones we take for granted.

Islam takes gender way too far. It is against the laws of their religion to have any deviations from the strict gender rules and roles. It is not natural, it is not innate for human beings to know gender roles! We act however comes naturally to us. Gender roles occur largely because of social conditioning in today's society. Some people even believe that these roles were set from the very beginning, which they weren't. There have always been more than just "deviations" but entire cultures that just did not see gender roles in that way. Picts? Woad? Women from the 6th century, fighting right alongside the men, everyone clad in very little BUT the woad. There are many other examples, I am sure. Tomboy? Would you say that Islam would NOT condemn those women?

Women should not be punished for doing things that come naturally to them, not as a woman, but as a human being. THIS is the result of male beings hardly fit to be called human using their constructed gender binary as a power struggle, to be the ones perpetually on top.

What do these Islamic jackasses get out of oppressing women; out of regulating their behaviour to the point of forbidding anything less than female? Do they do this with men, too? How much suffering takes place in Muslim society as a whole, how many people are ousted by such a religion? The more and more people they oust, the more the religion will become a power-hungry, self-consuming, inbred, puritan piece of guano, and the more and more sure will become its decline.

What scares me is the fact that this religion may yet find a resurgence in North America, and gather up new followers in men who want to have power over their women, let's even say in Canada. A religion that violently forces power away from women is the last thing we need, and any woman who takes the rights and privileges we have for granted should be made aware of these practices occurring elsewhere around the world, practices that would have women banned or killed for a fraction of the behaviour, exhibited even once in Malaysia, that we exhibit in Canada almost every day.

1 comment:

aka.alias said...

It is unutterably sad to see women here on "free soil" in Canada, still wearing their hijab. It is sad, in fact, to see even one of those symbols of oppression being worn anywhere on the globe. If all the women oppressed in such a manner would only rise up in unison, the horrendous hijab would become history in just one day. The problem is that they have been part of an atmosphere of fear for too long, and so the idea of rising up in defiance to reclaim the dignity denied by this abhorrent item rarely even occurs to those subjected to it. It is, therefore, doubly sad to me when I realize that a western woman has voluntarily converted to acceptance of this sign of gender apartheid, and donned it willingly. What an unspeakable betrayal of herself and every one of her sisters, worldwide.