Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wish List

* Tickets to the Nylons, performing at Markham Theatre on September 26th!!! OMGOMG!
* One of those tea strainer thingies: Yeah! I got one, thank you, Mom!
* Another Hot Stone Massage (or three!)
* Loose fitting Hoodie. Tastefully done of course! (Anything from Winnie the Pooh to ROOTS to SHERIDAN/GeorgeBrown/York ... it's all good, just as long as it's somethin'!
* Subscription to Dwell Magazine: Yeah! I got one, thank you, Mom!
* I just discovered my "Holst's Planets" CD that "Erica" burnt for me @ Sheridan is cracked ... don't know how that happened! But I will need another copy of it!
* Of course, charitable donations (Canadian Food for the Hungry Women's Sewing Class, or School Dues for a Year)
* More than "Anything Clothes" would be a shopping trip to Yorkdale. I go through there once a month and never buy anything ...
* On the concept of never buying anything ... I never buy chocolate bars for myself. I love the mint ones from Laura Secord, Coffee Crisp, and Caramilk ...
* Code White
*Iced - By Judith Alguire: I went through that book three times without stopping! Cover-cover-cover-cover-cover-cover!
* A sturdy bag for tools. Would have to be MINIMUM 24" long, as it will need to potentially accommodate a 24" level.

I want to own:
* Kung-Fu Panda
* Anna and the King (with Jodie Foster)
* Contact (with Jodie Foster)
* Paycheck
* Anne of Green Gables, original (and maybe sequel) in DVD
* Starwars 4/5/6 in DVD
* League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
* Pitch Black / Chronicles of Riddick
* When Night is Falling
* Better than Chocolate
* The Time Machine (2002 Release)
* The GridIron Gang
* Fire (Deepa Mehta)
* Born into Brothels
* The Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian (the DVD with all the extra stuff!)
* The Golden Compass
* The Nativity Story
* Spirited Away

I want to watch:
* A Wrinkle in Time
* The Secret Life of Bees
* Slumdog Millionaire
* Lady in the Water
* Bride and Prejudice
* Daredevil
* Drumline
* Flushed Away
* The Last Mimzy
* Nim's Island
* No Reservations
* Over the Hedge
* Peter Pan (Directed by P.J. Hogan)
* Pixar Short Films Collection
* Rocky movie ... ?
* The Time Machine, released 2002
* The Spiderwick Chronicles
* Stardust
* Steamboy
* Howl's Moving Castle

The list will continue ...

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