Sunday, March 22, 2009

First Fortnight @ WRP

Well, it's now been two weeks that I have been working at the WRP site (known as Hainford, but I still call it WRP, because the "Women's Religious Project - the land for that entire site is owned by nuns - is what it started off as being called). Brian, Bethany, Caroline, Roger, David, and a few volunteers have been helping to renovate Brian's "office", not to mention Raymond (electrician). It now has trim, and new floor, the wall and door are back in, and it's all wired up and ready to go!

By now, all of the units on the west side, and most of the units on the east side have the foundation walls poured, and as of Friday this week, we were putting the sill plates on "Block E". The units are divided into 8 blocks; two units (left and right) each. Blocks A-D are on the west side, and Blocks E-H are on the east side. The west side blocks will be the women's build homes. Actually, at 100 women per day, we could easily work on all the homes ... that might actually be what is going on.

I have been working on building form footings, striping the forms back off the footings, and once again, shucking around hay and clay. This past week I have led groups of individuals; people who are on March Break, for the most part, but also some women. On this site, I assume that most women are either home owners, or training for the Women's Build Blitz (henceforth to be known on my blog as WB, or WBB!). Although I should not necessarily make that assumption. I have seen several new faces though, and most of them have been pretty cool.

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