Sunday, April 05, 2009


Nicknames are wonderful things. They can be used to describe people, in good or bad ways. they can be given to demean, as "pet names", or to bolster a person, and make them feel like they belong to a group.

My best friends and I are always calling each other nicknames. We have standard nicknames for each other, but sometimes we veer off from those. I have also looked on Helium, a writer's "forum" that I belong to, and found an article there titled Why People Choose Nicknames For Themselves. It was funny that she mentions people usually choose names that fit the named "to a T", and I had just written that myself.

One woman I know has a very easily pronounceable, albeit longer name. Her self-ascribed nickname is short, simple, sweet, but out of character for her, as far as I would understand, but she likes it, and it sticks! I works so well for her, and I wouldn't call her any other name. People don't even know her by her real name.

There is a person who I do not have "the right" to name, and I do not know that if I ever did give that name, that it would stick. I do not even really want to give that person that name until they "deserve" it. That is one thing about nicknaming ... the "recipient" needs to deserve the name. It's funny then, that the people I named Bulldog, Penny, Sparrow, Little John (Robin Hood character ... as in this guy was huge, but why he reminded me of Little John, I am not sure!) I have only known for one day, but they still deserved the name, and some people you have a name lined up for, but they just never "deserve" to be called by that name.

"Your name is important", this author says. It describes who you are, and what other people think of you. It also means to the person giving you the name that you mean something to them. Like my nickname for my sister, who finally allowed me to give her some kind of nickname. Now, the name has "stuck" for years, if not a decade. It has now also become a bit of a term of endearment that I use for others, but it is only the "Name" for one person; my sister.

So why have I chosen the name Bear? Well, in the middle of my affections, (which only lasted about a month, before that it was only a passing friendliness) I thought it described the proportions, and that was not a bad thing. In fact, that was a charming thing, I thought! I loved this person's stature and presence. In fact, they have proof in ink to support their nickname, which I found out after I had thought of the nickname, but seeing as I have NEVER called them that, there is no proof of this fact. So it is a perfect nickname for the person, but I still think they need to deserve it.

Nicknames can also be used to ascribe characteristics that are not inherently human, to people. "Honey", "muffin", and all those cutesy names "Popples", "Karebear", as well. Names can be short forms of actual names: "Vanny", "Nessa", "Ria" for example, of can be only between two people (like I used to call a friend way long time ago (in a galaxy far away) when we were both into Star Wars, and she had her own fan fiction site that she maintained, I called her "Master", and she called me "Padawan". Crazy names; we were young and dorky, but they were amazing good times!

So why Bear? It has nothing to do with shortening the name, but
the Panda Bear would be part of the reason, just as a cute animal, and the Grizzly Bear. Hmmm, interesting to think about. I will keep this info in my back pocket, ans let you know if the name is ever used. Never being able to use it would be a shame, and a waste of potential friendship, indeed.

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