Friday, May 18, 2007

drywall mudding, day1

Today was my first day (of what would be three) doing drywall taping. I had a corporate group today, which was good because I needed people who could bring their own initiative and intelligence to the project. I am good at teaching, but I would prefer to move forward and make progress then deal with people who have no skills, no desire to be there, and who are little troublemakers.

This day also started off a little slower, but it continued to go well as the day went on. Within this group there was a group of sisters. One of them (the older of the two) asked me who she thought was older. I would have said her sister, but then I looked at what was really there. Look at their height, look at the look in their eyes, look at who they ARE, not what they look like stereotypically on the first glance, or because of their height. And I got it right.

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