Friday, May 25, 2007

drywall mudding, day2

Today we were working with a school group, and these were the type of people who did not, for the most part, want to be at Habitat. There was one young woman, however, who was the same caliber of learner as Maria, as one instruction was all she needed to do an absolutely gorgeous job. She also had her own system going, and began to build up her own habits, which would allow her to do quality work at a very good speed.

Most of the group needed a large amount of babysitting, and were still more interested in continuing their own backstabbing arguments during the day then getting work done. It was very disgustingly dramatic. I also had the opportunity to show Barb how to do drywall taping so that she would be able to take half the team, as that group was about 4 hands-full!

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