Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Day @ WRP

I just started today on WRP - it's at Lawrence and Manse Road. I spent a good solid six hours taking nails out of wood, stripping the footing forms, getting rained on, and helping an with the excavation process. There are lots of things to do at Habitat right now if you are one of Habitat's "Dedicated Volunteers". I have started to read the blueprints for the site, but at 15 minutes at a time, really thoroughly digesting these blueprints will take me a little while!

There will be 8 blocks of two units each, divided into left and right. They will have two floors each and a basement. They will be constructed using SIPs (external), stick framing (internal), 2x8s (and are there any 2x10s?) as floor joists, and 5/8" T&G sub-flooring, and a mix of wood and steel beams and lintels. And that's about all I retained from the drawings today.

Two years ago; January 2007, I started volunteering at 4200. I didn't even know what a blueprint was. Today, Will was congratulating me on becoming part of the Union - something he just found out today. I can read residential blueprints, and am learning to hold my ground in reading commercial blueprints as well. None of these things are required by Habitat, but they are things that Habitat has influenced me to do with my life. I have come so far since the beginning of 4200. I hope to keep moving forward!

Some days I wonder if anything will ever piece together and I will ever figure out what I want to do and how I will do it, but on days like today those goals seem a little more attainable. I have options I can pursue, and opportunities in my future. there are a couple of things I need to get there: hardwork, smartwork, a positive attitude, self-confidence, and dogged determination ... not to mention faith and prayer. And THAT'S just in hot pursuit of the career I want!

1 comment:

aka.alias said...

" hardwork, smartwork, a positive attitude, self-confidence, and dogged determination ... not to mention faith and prayer"
I don't see how you could possibly need anything else to reach every one of your goals. The above list is one everyone could benefit from making their own.